Friday 14 November 2014

Padlet - Live 'Post It' Notes!


Have you ever used 'Post It' notes as a means of gathering ideas, key words or phrases, to assess prior knowledge?

Padlet is a free, interactive 'Post It' note board that enables pupils to types comments, add picture or internet links to a live 'Post It' note, shared instantly on a class pin-board (displayed through your whiteboard).

We have used Padlet in the classroom as a quick way of sharing ideas in the classroom, the following board was a result of a lesson looking at features of the Human body and the use of a colon in writing. It was a quick way to assess the information pupils had gathered and their ability to use the punctuation mark to add further detail.

Padlet can be accessed via any piece of technology that has an Internet browser - Chromebooks, laptops, iPads or tablets. There is even a Chrome app and extension if you have Chromebooks or Chrome browser in your school.

The easiest way to get started quickly is for the class teacher to set up an account and create a new Padlet.

Using the settings tab (modify this wall), you will find the address pupils need to put in their web browser to access your wall. You can also change the appearance, layout, make the wall private and set comments so they have to be approved                                                                 before they appear.

Now 'Post It' away!


  1. Sounds great. Is it available as a free app on android?

  2. Find it here
