Monday 1 December 2014



This is a fantastic FREE app available on both Google play and IOS. It can be used quickly and easily in the classroom as a starting point to transport pupils to a different setting.  You device becomes and immersive window to another place, when you move your tablet rounds a pupils can see a 360 view. 

See Paris from a hot air balloon, feel the energy from the American ldol stage, and hold onto your raft as you approach Hubbard Glacier. With Sphere, your device is a movable window you control.

This has huge potential in the classroom - allowing pupils to explore an environment before they write about it (writing), find out what another place actually looks like and compare it to home (geography), look for historical evidence places around the world, or create a 360 view of their own.

We have recently used this to help pupils write a detailed story setting based in a cold environment. This app gave pupils the chance to explore what could be seen and really get a feel for what was below their feet, above their heads and what might be behind them!